Coffin & Funeral Case No 1064:
✅ Deceased Name: Loh Teck Sun
✅ Age: 76
✅ Reason Of Death: Sepsis Secondary To Multifactorial
In the early days, Madam Loh unfortunately contracted septicemia and was hospitalised for treatment. Due to her long-standing lack of willpower, and perhaps having no family or friends to accompany and care for her, she ultimately passed away.
According to sources, Madam Loh actually suffers from mild dementia and has a brother living in another city.had a brother living in another region, who was her only blood relative. However, due to the brother’s earlier conversion to Islam and his extremely poor financial situation, he was unable to proceed with her funeral event.
After knowing about the background of the deceased, we decided to crowdfund for her coffin and complete her funeral event. Here, we hope that everyone can contribute to help cover the funeral expenses for the deceased.
🪷 – Coffin Donation Boundless Merit – 🪷
If you’re keen to donate for this funeral, you may refer to the our fundraising platform👇🏻
✅ CIMB Bank : 8010950150
✅ Bank Account Name : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur
Please contact us to request for donation receipt, all donations will be recorded for calculation purpose, thank you ❤️
施棺编号 1064:
✅ 往生者姓名:陆德珊
✅ 年龄:76
✅ 逝世原因:败血症
早期,一名华裔老婆婆 – 陆德珊不幸患上败血症而住院治疗。由于长期以来的意志力不强,加上也许没有任何家人朋友的陪伴和照顾,最终她抵抗不了病魔而离世了。
🪷 – 布施棺木 无量功德 – 🪷
若有意捐助这次的施棺费用,可透过 HMCS 的筹款平台👇🏻
✅CIMB Bank : 8010950150
✅Donation Account : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur
请完成捐助的善心人士联系我们以获取捐款收据,每笔善款都将被记录在册作为统计用途,感恩 ❤️