Hero Medical & Charity Society

Coffin & Funeral Case No 1039: Mr Htoo Htoo Aung

Coffin & Funeral Case No 1039: Mr Htoo Htoo Aung



施棺编号 1039:


Htoo Htoo Aung(31岁)在早期的时候离开了家乡,选择来到大马工作。长期以来,他身体状态一切正常,并没有任何不妥。然而近期因为忽略了胃部问题,不幸仅在31岁的年纪就逝世了。

Htoo Htoo Aung 是一位农民工。他平时工作都十分勤奋努力。此外,他也是个非常节俭的人。为了多存点钱让家乡的亲人过上更好的生活,他平时开销都很少,也不舍得多买些好的食物给自己吃,甚至因为工作也经常三餐不定时。因此,相信是因为长期不良的饮食习惯,他渐渐出现了胃部不适的情况,并且次数也越来越频繁。



由于Htoo Htoo Aung本身是一名农民工,积蓄并不多,因此往生后并没有多余的资金完成最后的身后事。英雄医疗慈善协会在了解这位往生者的背景后,于是决定为他施棺众筹并且完成他最后的身后事,好让他在另一个世界可以安详无恙。在此,愿各界热心人士能伸出援手,随缘乐捐、布施棺木丧礼给予这位往生者,完成逝者人生最后的旅途,让其圆满身后事并得到安息、早登极乐。

🪷 – 布施棺木 无量功德 – 🪷若有意捐助这次的施棺费用,可透过 HMCS 的筹款平台👇🏻
✅CIMB Bank : 8010950150
✅Donation Account : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur

请完成捐助的善心人士联系我们以获取捐款收据,每笔善款都将被记录在册作为统计用途,感恩 ❤️

➡️ 英雄医疗慈善协会

🏠 53-3A-2, Jalan Metro Perdana Barat 1, Taman Usahawan Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur


Coffin & Funeral Case No 1039:

【Young man suffered stomach cancer and passed away, seeking public funeral support】

Htoo Htoo Aung (31 years old) left his hometown and came to work in Malaysia before. For a long time, his health remained normal without any issues. However, tragically, he passed away at the young age of 31 due to neglecting stomach problems in recent times.

Htoo Htoo Aung was a farm worker and he was hardworking. He also exceptionally frugal, saving every penny to support his family back in his hometown. His modest lifestyle meant he often working and eating in irregular hours. Unfortunately, due to his prolonged unhealthy eating habits, he began experiencing frequent discomfort in his stomach.

Although his stomach often hurts, but because of the small income, and the family in his hometown also needs to rely on his salary, so in order to avoid excessive expenses, he can only endure it, and does not plan to visit any doctor. Over time, the problem of stomach pain became more and more serious, and then even the pain was unable to work and limbs were weak, and only decided to visit the doctor.

After the doctor diagnosed him, it was found that his stomach mucosa cells had been damaged and had developed into cancer. By the time the cancer in his stomach had invaded and destroyed other body tissues, it was too late. Also because of this, he finally passed away because he could not fight the torture of stomach cancer.

As Htoo Htoo Aung himself was a migrant worker with little savings, he did not have the extra funds to carry out the final things after his death. Hence, our Hero Medical Charity Society (HMCS) decided to crowdfund for him and assist in the completion of his funeral. We implore all kind-hearted people to lend a helping hand to the late Mr Htoo, donate for the funeral and coffin, to complete the last journey of his life, and wish him rest in peace.

🪷 – Coffin Donation Boundless Merit – 🪷
If you’re keen to donate for this funeral, you may refer to the our fundraising platform👇🏻
✅ CIMB Bank : 8010950150
✅ Bank Account Name : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur

Please contact us to request for donation receipt, all donations will be recorded for calculation purpose, thank you ❤️

➡️ Hero Medical & Charity Society

🏠 53-3A-2, Jalan Metro Perdana Barat 1, Taman Usahawan Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur
