Coffin & Funeral Case 1014 – Mr Zaw Min Tun
The Late Mr Zaw Min Tun ( 42 y/o) came to Malaysia to work.
Unexpectedly, he passed away due Extensive small bowel ischaemia secondary to portal venous thrombosis in a foreign land.
According to the medical report shows that late Mr Zaw Min Tun was passed away due Extensive small bowel ischaemia secondary to portal venous thrombosis .
It was only when neighbors smelt a foul smell they called the police to find out that the deceased had been dead for several days and the body had started to decompose.
Therefore hospital entrusted us Hero Medical & Charity Society (HMCS )to crowd fund for the funeral of the late Mr. Zaw Min Tun .
We implore all kind-hearted to lend a helping hand to The Late Mr Zaw Min Tun, donate for the funeral and coffin, to complete the last journey of his life, and wish him rest in peace.
施棺编号 1014 : 已故佐敏敦先生
缅甸籍籍华侨(42岁) ,佐敏敦 (谐音)来到马来西亚打拼,岂料不幸因病客死异乡。
因邻居闻到臭味 报警才发现死者已经去世多日,而尸体也开始腐烂。