Coffin & Funeral Case 1013 – Mdm. Chan Kim Liew
The Late Mdm. Chan Kim Liew ( 82 y/o), a mentally ill and mentally handicapped person since born. She was adopted by a family of Indian family , but unfortunately was abandoned by her siblings after the death of her adoptive parents.
She was homeless and had to wander the streets, but nearby resident was concerned for her life and arranged her to be admitted to a elderly home.
According to the report, she died of a bacterial infection caused by diabetes. A month before her death, the lower part of her body was found to be severely ulcerated due to a lack of hygiene and lack of proper cleaning. There was nothing the doctors could do to help her , after one months she died in elderly home. The lower part of body was so badly decomposed that the home had to cremate it as soon as possible.
She had been in the home for more than 10 years but had never been visited by any of her friends or relatives. Before she passed away, she told the home’s caregivers that she wished to have a memorial place for her after her death.
The home tried to find her family to collect her ashes, but after waiting for months, they were unable to find her family. In order to fulfil her wish, they has entrusted us, the Hero Medical Charity Society to crowdfund for the funeral of the late Mdm. Chan Kim Liew .
We implore all kind-hearted to lend a helping hand to The Late Mdm. Chan Kim Liew, donate for the funeral and coffin, to complete the last journey of her life, and wish her rest in peace.
施棺编号 1013 :已故陈金柳女士
已故陈金柳女士 (82岁) , 从小患有精神疾病 也是一名智力障碍者 。她曾被印裔家庭收养, 但很不幸的在她的养父母离世后被异族的手足抛弃。
无家可归的她 只能到处流浪 街坊邻里虽偶尔会给予她援助 但一名附近居住的好心人因担心她的生命安危 就安排她入住老人院。
根据报告显示 阿金婆婆是因为糖尿病引发的细菌感染而不幸病逝。
往生前的一个月 阿金婆婆的下半身 因为缺乏卫生知识 并没有适当的清理导致细菌感染 发现的时候已经严重溃烂 。医生也无能为力 阿金婆婆也因此病逝。由于尸体严重腐烂 所以院方只能尽快火化处理。
阿金婆婆入住老人院已有十余年 却未曾有亲朋戚友来探望过。
身前阿金婆婆有与老人院的护工提起 愿自己逝世后会有一个灵位 得以供奉。
院方有尝试寻找阿金婆婆的家属领取阿金婆婆的骨灰 但等了数个月 还是无法寻觅家人。
为了完成阿金婆婆的心愿 院方只好委托我们英雄医疗慈善协会 替阿金婆婆圆满她的身后事 。