Hero Medical & Charity Society

Crowdfunding Case No.1078: Mr Lim Hock Lee

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Crowdfunding Case No.1078: Mr Lim Hock Lee


【Crowdfunding Case No: 1078】
– Help Seeker’s Information –
✅ Mr Lim Hock Lee (39 y/o, OKU)
Mr Lim Hock Lee was once a healthy and ordinary man. However, after suffering from a severe high fever and lacking the financial ability to see a doctor, his condition worsened, leading to convulsions. Eventually, his situation deteriorated to the point where he became partially paralyzed, developed slurred speech, and now requires a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
However, even more unfortunate was that his right foot became bent and could no longer support his balance. He decided to undergo surgery to correct the issue. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned, and he experienced severe side effects after the surgery. His foot became swollen, turned purple, and was painfully inflamed, with the shape of his foot increasingly enlarging.
The worsening situation made it truly difficult for Mr. Lin to face reality. His deteriorated foot caused him to become increasingly negative and saddened. Additionally, since he was already unable to work for a living, seeing his savings drained by daily living expenses and medical costs left him feeling even more anxious and stressed. With no other options left, he finally decided to entrust us to raise the following expenses from the public: –
✅ Transportation expenses (RM300/month)
RM300 x 6 = RM1800
✅ Food expenses (RM800/month)
RM800 x 6 = RM4800
✅ Medical expenses (RM200/month)
RM200 x 6 = RM1200
✅ Electric wheelchair = RM2500
Total: RM10,300
If you’re keen to donate for this case, you may refer to our fundraising platform👇🏻
✅ CIMB Bank : 8010950150
✅ Bank Account Name : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur
Please contact us to request for donation receipt, all donations will be recorded for calculation purpose, thank you❤️
— 求助者资料 —
✅ 林福利先生(39岁,OKU)
✅ 交通费用 (RM300/月)
RM300 x 6 = RM1800
✅ 伙食费用 (RM800/月)
RM800 x 6 = RM4800
✅ 医疗开销 (RM200/月)
RM200 x 6 = RM1200
✅ 电动轮椅 RM2500
✅CIMB Bank : 8010950150
✅Donation Account : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur