Crowdfunding Case No 1063: Single Mom Hopes For Help From Publicity
– Help Seeker’s Information –
✅ Ms. Tan Jia Yee(33 y/o, single mom)
✅ Matthew Lee Yun Yong(4 y/o, Twin Baby Elder Brother)
✅ Evan Lee Yun Yuan(4 y/o, Twin Baby Younger Brother)
Ms. Tan Jia Yee has a pair of twin baby boys. However, both babies have been facing poor health conditions since birth, unable to grow up healthily like other children.
When the elder brother, Matthew was young, he experienced a cerebral hemorrhage. Additionally, his spinal bones are naturally misshapen and more softer than a normal person. Whenever he sits for too long, his back will become limp and will fall down. Besides, Matthew also faces respiratory failure issues with his bronchial function. He often suffers from symptoms like difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, and excessive phlegm. His swallowing function is also very weak. He can’t consume any solid food and can only drink milk powder even now he is already 4 years old.
The younger brother, Evan was born with a hormone deficiency, and recently he was even diagnosed by doctors as a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Although he is much healthier than his brother, his hyperactivity makes it difficult for him to maintain attention and often leads to impulsive actions resulting in accidents. Due to this condition, he cannot study in normal school and has to enroll in special schools to facilitate his learning and manage his condition.
Furthermore, Ms. Tan also has an elderly mother at home who requires regular kidney dialysis. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, she needs to accompany her mother for dialysis and monitor her condition. Over time, she becomes stressed with taking care of family members and various expenses. Due to the need to always take care of everyone, she cannot find the time to work outside the home. Now, her family’s financial situation is under a difficult situation. Hence, we hope everyone can help Ms. Tan to overcome the difficulties they face in life. Thank you 🙏🏻
If you’re keen to donate for this funeral, you may refer to the our fundraising platform👇🏻
✅ CIMB Bank : 8010950150
✅ Bank Account Name : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur
Please contact us to request for donation receipt, all donations will be recorded for calculation purpose, thank you ❤️
众筹个案编号 1063: 单亲妈妈无法负荷生活开销及孩子学费,盼望大众帮助
– 求助者资料 –
✅ 陈鎵仪女士(33岁,单亲妈妈)
✅ 李运永(4岁,双胞胎婴儿哥哥)
✅ 李运远(4岁,双胞胎婴儿弟弟)
来自怡保的单亲妈妈 — 陈鎵仪女士育有一对可爱的双胞胎男宝宝。然而不幸的是,两位宝宝自出生以来的身体状况不佳,无法和其他孩子一样可以健康成长。
✅CIMB Bank : 8010950150
✅Donation Account : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur
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