Hero Medical & Charity Society

Case 1005 – Yap Mei Lan

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Case 1005 - Yap Mei Lan



                                       CASE 1005 : YAP MEI LAN

Yap Mei Lan (3y/o), a baby girl from a single-parent family, has been suffering from various diseases since birth, and is in urgent need of a spinal tumor resection.

Mei Lan was a premature baby. She was diagnosed with a missing joint in her spine and a tumor was found on her spine In addition, her kidneys and excretory system were also underdeveloped. She is still yet to speak at the moment due to autism.

This baby girl was born without an excretory openings for urination and defecation, so her doctor performed an operation for her, cut an excretory opening to allow her to defecate normally, but a replacement medical catheter was still needed to allow the baby to urinate.

The biggest problem now is the tumor on her spine. Because the nerve lines are all over the spine, the tumor can’t be completely removed at one time. It needs to be divided into multiple operations, and the average time needed per operation is as high as 10 hours.

Her spine problem has also caused the baby having uneven legs, now she can’t even walk properly. In addition, if her kidney function continues to weaken, the worst outcome will require lifelong kidney washing.

Baby’s mother is still applying OKU card for her daughter. Hence, she is not able to receive any government subsidies for the time being. The mother is also unable to work due to Mei Lan require 24 hours of take care everyday. There is no way for a jobless single mother to pay for various medical expenses.

The baby needs several kinds of medical supplies: medical glue for surgical wounds, replacement medical urinary catheters, uneven leg immobilizers, and corrective functional shoes etc. Besides, Mei Lan still need to undergo tumor resection again after recovered. A series of medical cost make this family feeling hopeless. Therefore, they hereby entrust THE HERO CHARITY to crowdfunding for living and medical expenses.

Baby Mei Lan is in a pitiful condition. We hope to get caring hands from enthusiastic people from all walks of life to help this baby who suffering various diseases One good deed deserves another!


众筹个案编号 1005 :  叶美兰(3岁)来自单亲家庭的小宝宝,从出生时就伴随着各种疾病,痛苦不堪,急需进行脊椎肿瘤切除手术。

小兰宝宝是个早产儿,当时就被诊断出脊椎缺失了一骨节,更是在脊椎上发现了一颗肿瘤 此外,她的肾脏和排泄系统亦发育不全,还患有自闭症,到如今还没能学会说话。





宝宝目前需要到数样医疗用品:开刀伤口医用胶水、替换型医用尿管、长短腿固定器和矫正功能鞋等。接下来等小兰恢复好就需要再次进行肿瘤切除手术了,一连串的开销都让这个清寒家庭感到无力,特此委托THE HERO CHARITY 英雄慈善组织 紧急众筹生活与手术费。

小兰宝宝的情况属实令人心酸,希望各界热心人士能对这个身患多种疾病的宝宝伸出援手 让她能趁早接受治疗 健康长大!